Nearby Places WordPress Plugin

Nearby Places WordPress Plugin

Nearby Places is an extension of Progress Map WordPress plugin. The “Nearby Places” plugin allows you to display various places – also known as “Points of Interest” – nearby a location/post on the map. The points of Interest are those provided by Google Maps. The...
Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin

Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin

#1 Video player on Envato Market What is Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin? Ultimate Video Player WordPress Plugin is a powerful responsive video / audio player for any wordpress theme compatible with WooCommerce as well, that can play (mp4) / audio (mp3),...
Ajax Translator Revolution WordPress Plugin

Ajax Translator Revolution WordPress Plugin

Ajax Translator Revolution WordPress Plugin Translator Revolution WordPress Plugin is a user-friendly, highly customizable WordPress translation plugin. It works making it simple to get started, but powerful enough to create highly customized translator setups. This...
Accordion FAQ WordPress Plugin

Accordion FAQ WordPress Plugin

FEATURES Drag & Drop FAQ Post and Categories Reorder Create Multiple FAQ Pages Accordion Style FAQ List Style FAQ Block Accordion Style Customise Styling Color, icons, border radius, fornt sizes Easy to Setup using Shortcode Generator Documented All our product...
Interactive US Map – WordPress Plugin

Interactive US Map – WordPress Plugin

Interactive US Map – WordPress Plugin The interactive US map plugin gives you an easy way to install and customize a professional looking interactive US map with 50 clickable states plus DC, then insert the shortcode in any page or post to display the map. Changelog:...